Thursday, September 17, 2015

Throwback Thursday - Valley of Fire State Park, Overton, NV

Last year, my sister and I planned a girls’ weekend to Las Vegas! Everyone thought we were crazy when they heard that we mostly hiked while in LV. Evidently, most people think there are much more interesting things to do in Vegas, but we spent our days hiking in the desert and observing some of the most wonderful natural beauty I have ever seen!
Our journey started with me trolling through Pinterest and coming across the unique fire wave rock formations. I had never seen the colors or shapes before, and I immediately told my sister that we had to go there when we made it to Vegas. She agreed, and said that we also needed to check out Red Rock (which was just as gorgeous as Valley of Fire, but in different ways).
So, on our second day in Vegas, we purchased a rental car and drove the 55 miles to Valley of Fire State Park. The drive there was amazing. As we approached the park, the desert terrain, mountains, and roadway all met in a captivating landscape. It was so beautiful that we stopped to take a photo on the side of the road, and other cars also stopped behind us, too!

Valley of Fire is Nevada’s oldest and largest park. It is perfect for hiking, camping, and taking amazing photographs!
Upon entering the park, we stopped at a small overlook to observe the rock formations. Then, after a short drive down the road, we climbed stairs adjacent to a large rock to observe prehistoric Indian petroglyphs. Although we couldn’t make out what all the graphics represented, we did notice that some resembled animals and another looked like it could be some form of a calendar.

After that, we went looking for the Rainbow Vista Trail – the one with the rock formation that had initially interested me in the park. After stopping by one sandy trail, we finally made it to our destination. It was a two-mile hike, but I managed to get a little bit overheated since we hadn’t really eaten during the day. So, I suggest bringing lots of food and water if you intend to make this trek!
The rock is beautiful, and my sister even climbed up it a little bit. At the time, I was recovering from a broken ankle, so I didn’t venture up the rock, but I did take in the beauty and got lots of wonderful photographs.
If you are making a trip to Las Vegas, just remember: all of the entertainment isn’t just about the nightlife! There is a lot of world to see outside of the strip!

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